2010年5月19日 星期三

002 自我介紹

Season 1 第一季
Episode 1 第一集

為使每一個參賽者很快彼此都能進入情況,主辦單位要求他們逐一面對鏡頭作自我介紹。需介紹的,不外是名字、出生地以及從事的行業。至於年齡除了較大 (29~32) 或較小 (21~23)、學歷除了教育程度較高 (博、碩士) 或較低 (高中)、經歷除了曾經大起又大落者外,一般也許認為過於平凡的事,不如不提。


A 名字
a. I’m Name Surname.
b. My name is Name Surname.
Name = first name
Surname = last name

B 名字及個性
I’m Name Surname, the hardest-working salesman in City State.

C 出生地,名字及出生地或現居地
a. I’m from City
b. I’m Dr. Name Surname, and I’m from New York City.
c. I’m Name Surname from City, State..
d. I’m Name Surname, and I live in City, State.
e. My name is Name Surname, and I’m from City, State.
City = city name
State = state name
from = 出生地 例:我生於紐約市 I’m from New York City,from = born in
Dr. = DOCTOR,這裡作 「醫生」解
live in = 現居地 例:我住紐約市 I live in New York City,跟父母住 live at home

D 出生地及行業
I’m from City, State, and I own a restaurant and investment properties.
from = 見 (C)

E 年齡及出生地
a. I’m 32 years old, and I’m from City.
b. I’m 21 years old from City, State.
from = 見 (C)

F 行業
a. I now work as a health-care venture capitalist.
b. I rank in the top three percent of Realtors nationwide.
c. I’m a full-commission copier salesman.
d. I’m a senior account executive for one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world.
e. I’m director of business development for an Internet company that I co founded.
as a (接名詞) = as 作介係詞用來形容某人的職責 used when you are describing someone’s job or the main purpose of someone
commission = 獲得授權來代理 authority to act as agent for another or others in commercial transactions.
copier = copy machine
for...  = xx 職位 for xx 行業

G 學歷及現職
a. But I am now a Ph.D. candidate and work as a political consultant.
b. I have a business degree and work in sales for an express delivery service.
c. I have an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School and have worked as an investment manager.
d. I have my M.B.A. and work in the high-tech industry.
e. Now, with only a high school diploma, I’m the president of my own lending company.
f. With a high school diploma, I own a marketing firm and also sell real estate.
as a 見(F)
have a ... degree = 成功修畢大學該課程的學分而由學校授予的資格 a qualification given to someone who has successfully completed this course of study
work in = 任職行業
work as = 擔任職務
an M.B.A. = 冠詞 an 後的 M.B.A.,M是發的是母音 e

H 過去經學歷
a. After I graduated medical school and received my M.D., I went on to earn my M.B.A. at New York University.
b. Four years ago, I worked at the White House for the president of the United States.
c. I built a real estate development firm from the ground up. Now I rent 39 units to low-income families.
d. I founded the Company name in a studio apartment and turned it into a multimillion-dollar operation.
e. I had stock options worth millions but lost it all in the dot.com bust.
f. I was a top stockbroker for a firm on Wall Street.
go on = 繼續無中斷 to continue without stopping or changing
build = 建造 to make something develop or form
found = 創設 to start a company
dot.com = 網路的 relating to the activity of doing business using the Internet
bust = 泡沬化 Informal a company or organization that is busy has lost all its money and can no longer continue to operate
on a street = 美式用法,例 a firm on Wall Street。英式 in a street

I 自家摸索
I learned the ropes in my parents’ neighborhood pizzeria and I’m now a marketing manager for one of the largest international-cosmetics companies.
ropes = 做生意的訣竅 Informal the operations of a business or the details of any undertaking: The new employee didn't take long to learn the ropes.

J 英雄不怕出身低
I grew up in the projects. But I am now a Ph.D. candidate and work as a political consultant.
projects = 美非正式用語 A HOUSING PROJECT 為低收入戶所蓋的住宅區,多淪為貧民窟

K 自我犧牲
I sacrificed my higher education to take care of my mother and my disabled litter sister.
higher education = 大學教育 college or university education as opposed to school or high school

L 賺錢辛苦
I don’t have a salary, which is a tough way to work. If I don’t sell, I don’t eat.

1. 公開所有資料
2. 不想透露年齡
3. 不想透露職位
4. 不想透露目前的工作
